
Sep 03, 2020

I am doing a leadership bible study and this was something that came up on Day 1 and it was a great reminder.


In all of our lives we have KPI’s (key performance indicators) of success from childhood to adulthood.  Did you learn “on time”? Did you get a good grade? Did you get into the “right” college or do the “right” thing after high school? Did you even finish high school? Then it goes on into relationships, marriage, business and jobs, retirement funds and bluh…. 


All of those “adulti...

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What is Priority Mapping?

Aug 19, 2020

Do you go on a trip cross country, especially a country you have never been to without a map?  No way!  Same goes for a new experience or a new season in life.  

Summer, in it's typical flavor is full of unsanctioned time, less rules, less productivity and more free!  But, just like we can't go through life only in play mode, neither can the kids.  Getting BACK into the swing of a school year is always a challenge and this year...  well let's just say everyone is trying to figure it out and the...

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Just Do Your Next Right Thing

Aug 12, 2020

There is no doubt that this year has turned us all sideways and a little upside down.  The things we had taken for granted are now dreamed of.  For me... hugs.  I miss hugs.  I miss NOT feeling weird seeing two people having a normal social interaction like a handhold, handshake or high five before realizing they must live in the same space.  I am not even what some would classify as overly germ cautious, but it is just the norm now.   You know it has happened to you.  Watching TV or a movie and...

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Dream. Plan. Pivot

Aug 02, 2020

Funny how “planned” life roads never take you where you think they will, isn’t it? 

I sometimes look back on those 5 year plans, 10 year plans or life plans and have a good chuckle.  I remember before college I had a whole plan to be riding the high seas doing whale research around the world, meet a husband and get married around 30-32, settle down with 2 kids near a research center and continue with my work. 

“Oh honey”…  I would say.  “Great plan, but it won’t happen that way.  It will be so...

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A Silly Name and a Grand Mission

Aug 02, 2020

Fun, Smiles, Adventure, Serving, Protecting, Discovering, Teaching, Kindness… 

These are rocks I adhere to in my life like a barnacle to its chosen landing spot.  I am so fortunate to have developed a life around these principles with my husband Brian and our four courageous daughters Skyla, Trinity, Lana and Journey.  You will get to know everyone as we grow together, but this is, after all, a place of family learning so that is where we will begin. 

Brief History of Time, Harden Edition….  B...

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