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What Is In This Masterclass?

Daughter Decoder™ (3rd ed.) is a complimentary masterclass designed specifically for parents raising young women today by parents who have been and are there right now, facing the same obstacles you are.  

I will help you decode your daughters words and dive below the surface to discover what she is really asking for and really saying to you.

I will show you where her behavior is coming from and how to understand it from a different perspective that will lead to better connection, conversations and growth!

This childhood time is filled with a tremendous amount of learning, hard lessons, transitions and preparing for life after childhood, so the question is... 

How will you help her build a rock-solid foundation that her success can launch from?     

Daughter Decoder™ will show you how to face this phase of your parenthood/childhood story head on,  stay out of living in basic "teenage" survival mode and find success through it all! 

There are ~6570 days in this unique and never repeated season of your parenting journey and her life.

What will you do with it?

How will you use it to give her the foundation she needs to prepare her for life after she leaves home? 

What is the ONE prerequisite for a successful life in this complex world?

All of these questions and more are answered right here in this masterclass!


This is about building her foundation of worth, esteem and confidence and that takes time, intention and working together.  (It is never-ever something that happens by accident, chance or even in survival mode) 

The foundation is built from WITHIN!

But HOW?

Jump in and we can decode this together!

In This Masterclass You Will...

1. Learn why there is such a divide when you are trying to understand your daughter words, actions and relationships!

2. Learn how to decipher her words so they actually make sense to you and  find what she is really looking for and needing! 

3. Understand why she does what she does and discover the 4 major areas of influence in her life she faces no matter who she is!

4. Be given the 4 essential tools your daughter needs in order to build the strongest foundation to launch her abundant life from!

"This masterclass is exactly what parents raising girls and young women today need! " - Leigh R.

"This work helped me see from my daughter's perspective for possibly the first time ever and understand her in a whole new way. -Lisa P.

Hey There!  I'm Nellie.

I am a wife, a mom to FOUR growing adolescent daughters, a Christian, a speaker, an author and a Family Life & Leadership Coach!  
And you know what?  I LOVE being a mom (even when I don't love being a mom in the super hard and sticky stuff) and, bonus, the girls still love me too... even if I am not their favorite person in the moment sometimes. 
Listen... it isn't easy. I get it!  In fact, some moments I want to just beat something, cry or hide.  Sound familiar? 
BUT, there is a way forward and it is worth it to see the breakthroughs, the smiles, the laughter and the growth (in both of us) into who we are becoming.
We thought childhood was hard when we were kids, right?  Well.. now it is tougher and more confusing than ever.  
Their worth, self-esteem and confidence are being bombarded 24/7 and they do not have the internal defenses to fight back, regulate and stabilize before the next hit comes because their brains, bodies and spiritual maturity are still developing and frankly, they are just exhausted.
I can't wait to get to know you and teach you this material that will be a treasure in your 6570 journey where you are teaching and helping them get up and face the world peacefully and powerfully from the inside out.  Helping her become the leader of her own life is the best gift you could ever give yourself and your daughter. 

See you in the masterclass!


This Challenge is Exactly What You Have Been Waiting For!