What Does She Need Prayed Over Her in This Season?

Feb 26, 2025

Parenting is hard.  When you have to say no to something they really want or yes to something they are dreading.  When natural and corrective consequences come and all you want to do is hug them and take it for them, but you know they will not build the strength life demands without these trials.  When their brain is under construction, and you seem to be speaking two different languages, when everything has to be an argument or when isolation and silence is deafening.


No parent I have ever come across says it is/was easy.  Even as a teen and family coach who has been counseling for over 13 years I can say that helping someone else’s child and family is a completely different story than helping lead my own.


Have you heard the sayings,

“Not my pig, not my farm”


“Not my monkey, not my circus”?


Both are saying that there is a profound difference between being IN the arena 100% of the time and just being a consulting visitor, friend or someone that drives by only seeing the exterior. 


But, when it is your piglet or your monkey, your farm and your circus, you are IN it and sometimes that can feel so hard.  So hard, in fact, that the advice can run dry after falling on closed ears a few too many times and the mind can feel like nothing but sludge and goo when you try to pray for them.  Sometimes all you can muster is,




“Lord, you know what they need.  Please guide, carry and convict them to your will and mold me to be who you need me to be to help them navigate the waters from here and do my part in their life journey”.


A tool I have used in these wild pre-teen and teen years is to find a scripture to pray over them specifically. When I can’t find the words or things seem too heavy or too chaotic to muster a sentence, scripture is always the rescuer. 


Search your heart and theirs and ask…

  1. Where is she right now?
  2. What does she need to become the best version of herself?
  3. What verse is a vehicle for this transformation? (use a concordance, google, and I have even heard that Chat GPT is a good source to find bible verses on what you are looking for, though I have not tried it.


I encourage all of you to find a scripture for your child and each child will be different.  Write them down and keep them close.  You don’t even need to tell them unless you feel it would be of benefit to them.  I have one for my husband, myself, our family and each of my daughters.  These 7 verses are my prayer backbone when it comes to my family.  They will change as seasons change, but for now I hold these securely in my notebook, heart and mind. 


Do you have a verse for your child in this season?  What is it?






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